County Xtreme Bulls
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About Us
We are a locally owned family farm who raises rodeo bucking bulls. In the past, and currently, we contract some of our bulls to Ontario and Quebec rodeos, and we also have our own bull riding events here in Picton. Our schedule is posted on our Facebook page, and like any other rodeo, we complete the year with a year end buckle and awards ceremony. We welcome all bull riders from beginner to experienced to come out and buck some bulls with us, we have Junior Steer Riding (ages 8-14), Junior Bull Riding (ages 15-18), and Men’s and Women’s Bull Riding (ages 18+). We also welcome anyone to come out just to watch as our cowboys and cowgirls work incredibly hard to make that 8 second ride, and the support is greatly appreciated!
Rep/Contact Info Jason Terpstra
Title: Owner
Title: Owner