The Quinte Bayhawks 2022 indoor recreational league picked up where it left off after its inaugural season in 2019, as youth (and parents) across the area discovered an exciting new sport.Â

The Quinte Bayhawks 2022 indoor recreational league picked up where it left off after its inaugural season in 2019, as youth (and parents) across the area discovered an exciting new sport.Â
Crosby had given his stick to his defenceman while the pair were defending a Philadelphia surge in the Penguins defensive zone
Opportunities for young women are endless in sports now as it relates to university and college. As the sport evolves and develops we are all hopeful that a viable and sustainable pro model is developed in the near future.
Spring of 2020 saw the Ontario rep soccer leagues being cancelled. Rather than throw in the towel the Belleville Comets decided to keep the momentum going
Crossfit is all about celebrating your body’s achievements and progress. While weight loss is often a goal of our clients, body composition soon becomes secondary to being able to lift heavier or getting your first pull up.
Women don’t need to be made strong, they are already strong, it’s the world that needs to change in its perception of women’s strength. Equality is not achieved by equal representation of women but by breaking down the barriers …
For professional women’s team sports it has been even more dire, however there are signs of improvement.
Plans are in place to get soccer players back on the fields in Belleville this summer.
Registration is now open for the Belleville Soccer Club’s 2021
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