Ashley completely bought into the program and after 10 amazing years with the Beast, she will be moving onto a post-secondary level and remain ready to continue to progress her skills.

Ashley completely bought into the program and after 10 amazing years with the Beast, she will be moving onto a post-secondary level and remain ready to continue to progress her skills.
BODY COOL SCULPTING By Julia Lewis and Nikki Gray – Cool Sculpting is for anyone who wants to look and feel their best, this includes men.
Terry Boyd, owner of The GYM Trenton, discusses how “A number of existing researchers have confirmed that physical appearance is positively related to self-esteem level. Self-esteem exists in all mankind”.
Jeannette Sterner was born and raised in Germany and started at the age of 3 with vaulting. When she turned 6, she started with riding lessons. She moved to Ontario in January 2010 and made it her home.
here is good news on the horizon though for the Trenton Flyers women’s program Coach Brown plans to return to the team whenever they get the all clear to resume with CAF sports.
Jackie Jarrell was born and raised in Corbyville, Ontario growing up on her family dairy farm, RJ Farms. She played minor hockey with the boys Belleville Bobcats “AA” and the Quinte Red Devils “AAA.”
The road to the boxing ring was a long one for lifetime Prince Edward County resident Jennifer McMurter. Jennifer would go on to win the National Welter Weight Championship and would hold that title from 1997-2001
Women don’t need to be made strong, they are already strong, it’s the world that needs to change in its perception of women’s strength. Equality is not achieved by equal representation of women but by breaking down the barriers …
For professional women’s team sports it has been even more dire, however there are signs of improvement.
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