In my humble opinion the arts and sports should be an integral part of every child’s education.

BODY COOL SCULPTING By Julia Lewis and Nikki Gray – Cool Sculpting is for anyone who wants to look and feel their best, this includes men.
Terry Boyd, owner of The GYM Trenton, discusses how “A number of existing researchers have confirmed that physical appearance is positively related to self-esteem level. Self-esteem exists in all mankind”.
Terry Boyd, owner of The GYM Trenton, discusses how Gym’s are essential; they are people’s safe place, coping mechanisms, mental health aids, and a way for some to get through the pandemic.
Terry Boyd, owner of The GYM Trenton, discusses the difficulties of operating a fitness centre during a pandemic and what it has taught him.
Terry Boyd, owner of The GYM Trenton, discusses how the pandemic has taken major tolls on people with many varying degrees of problems and even crises for many people. One of which is people’s state of mental health. According to WebMD the number one natural remedy for depression is routine, and number three is exercise.
Terry Boyd, owner of The GYM Trenton, discusses how he has been asked several times over the past few weeks what can be expected when gym’s re-open, it’s a good question. It is a question with no absolute answer …
FIT 4 HER. – Stop by THE GYM at 421 Dundas St. West, Trenton. Mention this article and receive your free day pass and try FIT 4 HER!
Terry Boyd, owner of The GYM Trenton, discusses how Insecurities and Fear of the Unknown shouldn’t Stand in the Way of Your Fitness
Today’s greatest athletes invest massive amounts of time, money, and resources into bodily performance and effective recovery. Dr. Steve knows first-hand how vital a clear and healthy spine and nerve system is for our wellbeing.
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