Due to the ongoing and developing COVID-19 situation in Ontario, we regret to announce that the start of the Shannonville Motorsports Park season has been placed on pause
Tag: Total Sports

Expressions of interest for Quinte Red Devils ‘AAA’ head coaching positions for the 2021-22 season are now being accepted by the Quinte Regional Minor Hockey Association

Opportunities for young women are endless in sports now as it relates to university and college. As the sport evolves and develops we are all hopeful that a viable and sustainable pro model is developed in the near future.
The inaugural 1987 Induction Class included two accomplished female athletes in Betty Ingram Wonnacott and Sarah Thompson. The Belleville Sports Hall of Fame came into being in 1987 and today has over 100 athletes, builders and teams as members.

Spring of 2020 saw the Ontario rep soccer leagues being cancelled. Rather than throw in the towel the Belleville Comets decided to keep the momentum going

Crossfit is all about celebrating your body’s achievements and progress. While weight loss is often a goal of our clients, body composition soon becomes secondary to being able to lift heavier or getting your first pull up.

On a physical level, reflexology can reduce pain and inflammation thus reducing the need to medicate. With every drug, there is the chance of side effects.

Liane Woodley has probably coached more local high-school basketball teams than any other person, male or female, in the last 50 years. Over the course of her 38 year career in education.

We all know the chances of playing a sport at an elite level is low and no matter our skill level we have all learned (transferrable) skills during our time in sport that will help us be successful in our non sport endeavours.