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Changing the face of minor hockey in Quinte

By: Chris Kornblum

(Buddies and Pals) Hockey is about to change the future of elite hockey in the Quinte area. 

Hockey in Canada is changing with the inception of independent leagues such as the Ontario Rep Hockey Leaque , and the Hockey Super League in Alberta.  The HSL is now in its second year. The schedules are condensed from traditional full weekends to 9 showcase events offering four games each weekend.  Players can play for any team they want.

The introduction of the Barons Hockey Club.

There’s an urgent need for an alternative to the traditional hockey development route. The Barons will ice  spring and winter teams, and run skill- based development programs.

Our mission is to encourage young hockey players to understand the concept of development, whether it’s on or off the ice.

These are the foundations of our program;

Style of Play

  • We are comfortable taking risks.
  • Players will be allowed to be creative on the ice. 
  • Players will push the play.  A “move your feet” mentality, especially defencemen; 1st pass, then move up ice.  It’s a team tactic, not an individual skill. 
  • We will be a fun group to play against. Teams will want to play us.
  • Team success will not be measured through game results.  It will be measured by players’ three, four, and five- year development.
  • We will be accountable to ourselves and honest with each other.
  • We will make mistakes and learn from them.
  • Goalies are supported 100% of the time. Without confident goalies, no one improves.
  • Yelling at referees is a form of bullying and will not be tolerated.

Player Development

Player development in an appropriate environment is one of my primary goals. We wish to foster an atmosphere in which all members  guide and help one another, a place where age doesn’t matter.  A shared love of the game and a sense of family can be nurtured to encourage  players to work together to sharpen their skills, share their knowledge and achieve their goals. 


This isn’t just a hockey program.  It’s also a life skills group. Success begins and ends with having the best possible educators. Coaches and off-ice fitness instructors have the most important role in the success of BHC.  Our program will strive to ensure that our youth learn the most current practices. 

Family Involvement

One of the hardest things to do as a parent is to “let go”  of your child to the BHC and the coach. But it has to be done.  This means:

  • You cannot criticize or undermine the coach in front of your child.  
  • You should not encourage your child to play the game the way you were taught it.  
  • By “letting your child go”, you are trusting the coach to do what’s best for him or her, and you are trusting that the coach is familiar with the game’s latest ideas.  
  • Don’t sacrifice your beliefs and values just so your son can play on the team.

Respect for All Persons

All members are treated with fairness, respect and without regard for ethnicity, gender, social position or age. The Barons Hockey Club provides a safe, bully-free environment. 

Code of Conduct

It’s very common for groups to develop a code of conduct. What’s not so common is for the group to have success holding members accountable to its provisions. The BHC Code of Conduct  defines the standards of behavior for group members.  It is vital and evolving.  Ignoring the Code it is not an option.  It will require  participants to: 

  • communicate openly
  • be “team” players 
  • seek consensus for team decisions
  • encourage the participation of parents in meetings
  • The Barons Hockey Club Way

We want teams capable of competing for the championship every year.  I want BHC to be one of the most competitive, well-run and sportsmanlike organizations in Canada.

BHC will be a supportive and “fun” environmen.  ANY instance of verbal abuse or bullying will not be tolerated.

My goal is for players to get to the next level.  To achieve that, they have to be mentally  and physically strong, and a “good buddy.”

For more information on the Barons Hockey Club and up and coming programs, 

please email me;