Back in the Studio and Making a Positive Impact on Students
By Alicia Sewell – Astounding Heights
Astounding Heights Dance Academy is a local Trenton dance studio. We provide dance lessons for ages 2 to adults in 13 different styles. The studio believes in creating a safe and judgement free environment where dancers can learn, be creative and most importantly have fun. We strive to not just build a business but
rather a dance family.
Covid has been hard on many local businesses and it was no different for our studio. In March we were forced to close our doors along with all other local dance studios. However, that was not the end of dance for our students. We offered zoom classes for the full remainder of the term. Unfortunately, our competitive team that worked hard all year was not able to compete as all competitions were cancelled. Despite the cancellations they all still worked hard the rest of the term through zoom classes to prepare for the following year and not let the bad news crush their spirits!
In the summer we were able to open within a limited capacity. Camps could run to offer childcare to our dance families, and we could get kids back into dance class with private lessons. We opened back up with lots of rules, guidelines, cleaning protocols and restrictions but we were simply happy to have our dancers back in the studio even with all the added work.
This fall we were able to open all our regular classes again. This did come with another set of strict guidelines, but again, anything to get dance back to our dancers. We are happy to wear masks, use gallons of hand sanitizer and clean constantly if it means we can give these dancers back their place to have fun, be creative and see their dance family.
The Covid pandemic has had a huge impact of the mental health of a lot of people and our dancers were no exception. Being away from the activity they love, and all their friends was very trying on their mental health. Most kids thrive on routine and having so many things taken away from them was extremely difficult for a lot of them to cope with. Like us, all our dancers are happy to be back and willing to follow any new guidelines to be back doing what they love with who they love. While the adjustment back into routine and structure has been hard on some of them, as time goes by we can see the positive impact it is making on them physically and emotionally to be back in the studio.
This pandemic has truly taught us all what matters most. We love our dance family more now then ever and appreciate all the love and joy they bring to our studio. We received so much support from our families during this difficult time and so much encouragement and excitement every time we were closer to opening our doors again. We are also grateful to be a part of the Quinte West community, one full of some much local support. Many members of our dance family are also local business owners and we all support each other during this difficult time.
Astounding Heights Dance Academy
64 Lorne Ave.
Trenton Ont.