Belleville Sports Hall of Fame Call for Nominations

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Belleville, Ontario, March 28, 2023 – Do you know a local hero who deserves to be recognized for their athletic accomplishments or contribution to their sport? To date, there are 110 individuals and 6 teams that have been inducted into the Belleville Sports Hall of Fame (BSHoF) and they’re proudly on display in the Dr. R.L. Vaughan Atrium at the Quinte Wellness Centre. Could someone you know be next?

According to BSHoF Committee Chair, Ian Press, submissions from individuals and organizations are an integral step in the induction process. “We encourage public involvement through nominations to help us recognize deserving candidates that inspire us through sport. And we are excited to see which incredible athletes will be inducted into the Hall in 2023.”

The Belleville Sports Hall of Fame accepts nominations in the categories of Athletes, Builders and Teams. Those who were born or lived in the Belleville area and have brought sporting honour to the community on the regional, national or international stage may be eligible.

Interested nominators are invited to review the eligibility criteria and complete the online form on the BSHoF website at A complete nomination package includes supporting documentation like photos, newspaper clippings and letters of endorsement. Each year, approximately 5 inductees are selected. All nominees who are eligible but not selected for induction to the BSHoF in their first submission year, will be kept on file for four additional induction terms if required.

Important Dates: Nominations for the 2023 Belleville Sports Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony will be accepted until May 25, 2023. The 2023 Belleville Sports Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony is scheduled for September 16, 2023 at the Quinte Sports and Wellness Centre.

The Belleville Sports Hall of Fame is a non-profit organization dedicated to recognizing, honouring, and preserving the record of outstanding achievements accomplished by the city’s elite athletes and builders from all eras and displaying them on a permanent basis. The Hall of Fame is housed in the Dr. R. L. Vaughan Atrium at the Quinte Sports and Wellness Center.

The Belleville Sports Hall of Fame sincerely thanks the City of Belleville for their continued support of the Hall and its operations.