Quinte “Bayhawks” Minor Lacrosse Association

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Minor lacrosse is back in Quinte

 By Quinte “Bayhawks” Minor Lacrosse Association

The Quinte Minor Lacrosse Association (QMLA) is a not-for-profit organization established in 2018 to give youth in the Quinte region the chance to learn and play Canada’s national summer sport.  

Lacrosse is a fast-paced sport that promotes physical activity, coordination, and teamwork.  It’s also an easy way to make great new friends, and the focus is on providing a fun and active experience. Box lacrosse is played indoors from April to June, in a “box” (ice rink with the ice removed!).  The Q.M.L.A. had huge success with a series of “Try Lacrosse” clinics before the season started, to give potential participants the chance to put a stick in their hands and give lacrosse a try.  

The Association just finished its first box lacrosse season in mid-June.  Young people between the ages of 3 and 15 took part, many for the first time.   For the youngest, ages 3 to 6,   it’s about having fun and learning basic skills.  They played mini-3 vs. 3 games with smaller nets.  Everyone 7 and up played full-floor contact games with a focus on skill development and teamwork.  The Q.M.L.A. got together with other local associations to provide an enriched playing experience where house league teams could play teams from Northumberland, Tyendinaga and Kingston.  

The QMLA looks forward to continuing to #growthegame and plans are already underway for next year.  

Want to learn more about QMLA?  

Please visit our website: www.quintelacrosse.com 

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