Wellington Dukes Announce Royal Lepage ProAlliance Realty as Title Sponsor for Your TV (4/700) and Hockey TV

By Kelly Martin – Director of Sales & Marketing/ Wellington Dukes Jr A Hockey Club

The Wellington Dukes 2021-22 Regular Season has started and the Dukes are pleased to announce Royal Lepage ProAlliance Realty as their Title Sponsor for Dukes Hockey on Your TV Channels 4/700 and Wellington Dukes Live Broadcasts on Hockey TV.

Kelly Martin, Director of Sales and Marketing for the Wellington Dukes says, “we will share the Cogeco Your TV broadcasts this season with the Trenton Golden Hawks. 10 Regular Season Dukes Home Games will be broadcast live by YourTV Quinte (Cogeco 4/700) along with 3 away games at Trenton.  YourTV has been a partner of the Dukes for some time now and brings our games to more than 8,000 viewers plus reruns. 26 Home games will be broadcast live on Hockeytv.com with our Dukes Hockey TV Broadcaster Brock Ormond.

Kelly says, “We are very excited for our new partnership with Royal Lepage ProAlliance Realty who will be our Title partner for our broadcasts on both Your TV and Hockey TV. 

Watch for more exciting news coming soon from your Wellington Dukes!